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Huguenot Houses in Powhatan and Chesterfield

Compiled by Lucille C. Moseley for the 300th Anniversary
Celebrating the Arrival of the Huguenots in Virginia

Chesterfield County

Powhatan County

*Special appreciation to the family of the late Raymond H. Boelt for permission to
use his photographs of the Powhatan houses



Cabell, Priscilla Harriss. Turf and Twig, Volume I: The French Lands. 1988.

Couture, Richard T. Powhatan: A Bicentennial history. 1980.

O'Dell, Jeffrey M. Chesterfield County, Early Architecture and Historic Sites. 1983.

Salmon, Emily J. A Hornbook of Virginia HIstory. 1983.

Turpin, Lula Bradshaw. Hallsboro Neighborhood and Its Families. 1936.

Weaver, Bettie Woodson. Chesterfield County, Virginia. 1957.

___. Chesterfield County, Virginia, A History. 1970.

____. Historic American Buildings Survey, Chesterfield County, Virginia. 1957.

___. History and Geography of Chesterfield County, Virginia. 1981.

_____. Midlothian: Highlights of Its History. 1994.

Newspapers, Magazines, and Brochures

"The Huguenot House Tour in Michaux." County Life, December 1977.

Hudson, Jean and Teresa. "Terre Haute's Last Stand."

"County Couple Restores Hotel's Cottages." Powhatan Today, 9/30, 1999.

"Historic Huguenot Trail." The Reed's Landing Corporation.

Weaver, Bettie Woodson. "Huguenot Springs." Virginia Cavalcade, Winter 1969.

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