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Selected Resources for Research about the Huguenots at Manakin

Most are in our library

Act for Naturalization....12 May 1705.

Baird, Charles W. Huguenot Emigration to America. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985.  Published on-line in Adobe format (Questia)

Benedict, Philip. The Huguenot Population of France, 1600-1685: The Demographic Fate and Customs of a Religious Minority. Philadelphia, PA: The American Philosophical Society, 1994.

Brock, R. A. Huguenot Emigration to Virginia and to the Settlement at Manakin-Town. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1886, 1979. (See on-line version.

Bugg, James L., Jr. "The French Huguenot Frontier Settlement of Manakin Town." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 61:4 (October 1953). (See on-line version)

Cabell, Priscilla Harriss. Turff & Twigg: The French Lands, Volume I. Richmond, VA: Carter Printing Company, 1988.

Crewdson, Robert L. "The Manakin Experiment: A French Protestant Colony in the New World." Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, LX, #1 (March 1986), 203-12.

Dabney, William Pope. "The Huguenots of Virginia." The Magazine of American History with Notes and Queries. VIII, 1882.

Douglas, The Reverend William. The Douglas Register. Richmond, VA: J. W. Fergusson & Sons, 1928. Includes Birth Records of King William Parish.

Elterich, Allison Wehr. The Diligence and the Disappearance of Manakintowne's Huguenots. Spartenburg, SC: Reprint Company, 1999.


Finnell, Arthur Louis. Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of the National Huguenot Society. 4th ed. Bloomington: National Huguenot Society, 1995.

Gorree, Langston James and Janice Curtis Pampell, ed. Master Index to The Huguenot: The Biennial Publications of the Huguenot Society, Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia and Index to Vestry Book of King William Parish, Virginia 1707-1750. Bryan, TX: Family HIstory Foundation, 1986.

Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia.Year Book, no. 1. San Francisco, CA: W. T. Lyon, 1924.

Lawton, Mrs. James M. Family Names of Huguenot Refugees to America. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1991.

Manakin Episcopal Church. Vestry Book of King William Parish, Virginia, 1707-1750. Midlothian, VA: Whittet Shepperson, 1966; reprint of English translation published by the Virginia Historical Society, 1906-06. [Available for sale from the library]

Shaffett, Dorothy Maupin. The Story of Gabriel and Marie Maupin: Huguenot Refugees to Virginia in 1700. Baltimore, MD: Gateway Press, 1994.

Spiller, Wayne. Branches from the Flournoy Family Tree. Seagraves, TX: Pioneer, 1976. [Available for sale from the library]

Sublette, Donald Jackson. James Sublett; Sally Ford Genealogy; Family History. Birmingham, MI: by the author, 1981.


Tingley, Kathryn La Rue. "More About Manakin Town." The Cross of Languedoc, March 1999.

The Huguenot. Published by The Huguenot Society of the Founders of Manakin in the Colony of Virginia. Midlothian, Va.

See also Suggested Reading on Huguenot History. National Huguenot Society Site.

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