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Virginia Huguenot Naturalization, 1705

"An Act for Naturalization on Claud Phillippe de Richebourg, Francis
Ribot, Peter Faure, John Joanny, James Champagne, and others"
12 May 1702
Williamsburg, VA

Whereas Claude Phillippe de Richebourg, Francis Ribot, Peter Faure, John
Joanny, James Champagne, and others, Born in France and Other Foreign
Countrys, have made humble Suit to this General Assembly for
Naturalization, and they having in Order thereto received the Oaths by
Law Enjoyned,

, Be it therefore Enacted by the Governor, Council, and Burgesses of this
present General Assembly and the Authority thereof, And it is hereby
Enacted, that Claud Phillippe de Richbourg, Francis Ribot, Peter Faure,
John Joanny, James Champagne, and others, (to Witt), Stephen Mallet,
John Say, Abraham Moulins, John Farey, Stephen Chastain, Peter du Foy,
Abraham Minot, James Ribbeau, Isaac Parentos, Peter Fellon, Peter Gori,
John Guerin, John Panetier, Francis Sassin, Anthony Rapine, Gedeon
Chambon, Anthony Matton, John Guerant, James Brousse, Isaac La Fite,
Joshua Petit, Adam Vignes, Andrew Aubrey, Paul de Vasaz, John Soville,
John Mazeres, Lewis de Fertre, John Lucadon, Abraham Soblet, Timothy
Morell, Beter Bocard, Michel Cantepie, John Fonvielle, David Menetries,
Peter Macant, Timothy Rowx, John Robert, Isaac Le Febure, Peter
Sabbatier, Jacob Amonet, Francis Clapier, John Bossard, Peter Prevot,
John Le Villam, Abraham Michaux, Anthony Gevandon, John Imbert,
Francis Bering, Moses Brok, Joseph Oliver, Joseph Callot, Gasper Sobrih,
John Oger du Clos, Peter Massaw, David Bernard, Michel Michel, Jaimes
Lacaze, John Martin, John James Phaisant, Paul Castige, Moses Livreau,
Samuel Hungazel, Anthony Trabueq, Abraham Remy, Jacob Flournois,
Peter Peru, John Voyer, Peter Morissatt, Theodore de Rosseaux, John
Thomas, Rene Massomeau La Forie, Stephen Sarazen, James Lagrand,
John Mariott, John Mallard, Peter Chatain, Augustin Simon, Philipe
Claud, Joseph Mouluner, Joseph Guil, John Guil, Stephen Guil, Isaac
Gaudovin, John Peter Bondurand, Jacob Capon, James Soblet, Peter
Soblet, Daniel Fauire, John Cambel, John Forquerand, Henry Cabany,
John Lorance, James Roux, John Sollaegre, Henry Bradonneau, John du
Pre, Stephen Lovis, Charles Waldenborg, Francis Miromon, Daniel
Langlade, Francis Pommier, John Dep, John Rosset, Gaspard Korner,
Charles Lapierre, Peter Fonjall, Barthelemy Dupuy, Isaac Figuier, Simon
Hungaute, Mathieu Oger, Daniel Rebant, James Pinson, Lewis Orange,
David Merveil, John Valton, Peter Chataigmer, John Parmentier, Thomas
Du Pre, Andreas Cocke, John Korneu, Daniel Mebins, Peter Mallard, John
Calvet, Jeremiah Du Mass, Peter Vitte, John Rober, Gabriel Maupin, Jean
Delaune, John Guy Rey, John Francis Decoppet, Joseph Chermeson, Jean
Thilbeaurt, John Serjanton, James Belivet, Stephen Tourneir, Daniel
Blovet, Jean Pasteur, Francois Flournoy, Jaques Flournoy, John Delony,
Jacob Delony, Daniel Duchemin,

And every of them be, and are by vertue hereof, Capable of Free Traffick
and Tradeing, of Takeing up and Pruchasing, Conveying, Devising, and
Inheriting of Lands and Tenements, And from henceforth be Declared,
Deemed, and holden, And in all Construction of Law Stated, Vested, and
Indulged with all Priviledges, Liberties, and Immunityes Whatsoever,
relating to this Colony that any Naturall Born Englishman is Capable of,

Provided always that this Act nor anything herein Contained Shall be
Construed to Enable any of the persons aforenamed to hold, Execute, or
Enjoy and Place, Office, Calling, or Employment prohibited by an Act of
Parliament, made in the 7th and 8th Years of the Reign of his late Majesty,
King William the third, Entituled An Act for preventing frauds and
regulateing Abuses in the Plantation Trade, or by any other Statute of

-- In the book, the acts are cited by the formal method used by the British
Public Record Office and then by Hening's citation, if he referenced the act
at all. In addition, the author gives a citation to the Legislative Journals of
the Council (abbreviated CJ), giving us an idea when the act was discussed
and passed. Here is the book's full citation for the Naturalization Act, set
forth above:

C.O.5/1384, ff.28-29. Cited by title in 3 Hening, 228. Signed May 12, 1705;
see CJ I, 429. Attested by William Randolph, Junior, Clerk of the House of

The text of the Act, transcribed above, was taken from "The Laws of
Virginia Being a Supplement to Hening's The Statutes At Large, 1700-
1750", Compiled by Waverly K. Winfree, and published by the Virginia
State Library, Richmond, Virginia (1971) at pp. 39-41; See

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