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Protestant Museums in France*

Le Musée Virtuel du Protestantisme Français

This site, based in Paris and created in 2003, presents numerous resources of
references, images, and bibliography, as well as descriptions of other Protestant
museums in France. It has a limited English version (soon to be expanded). Note: all
of the Huguenot-related museums in France are listed (still in French) in the
category of Themes | Le protestantisme en régions - Musées protestants et sociétés

Le Musée du Désert

In the home of Camisard leader Pierre LaPorte, this museum in Mas Soubeyran, a
small village east of Alès in the Cévannes, has numerous exhibits, books, and papers,
focusing particularly on the time of the Desert, from 1685 to 1787. The website offers
numerous resources and Huguenot items.

Le Musée des Vallées Cévenoles du Saint-Jean-du-Gard

A museum in the national park of the Cevannes dedicated to the history of the area in
which so many Huguenots lived.

Le Temple De Lemé

This museum in northern France was founded in 1989 to restore, save, and celebrate
the Protestant Temple built in 1859 in the town of Lemé. It represents the history of
Protestantism in the area after 1802 and the restoration of the religion.

Le Musée de John Calvin

This museum, located in the location of the birthplace of John Calvin, celebrates his
life. It is located in Noyon, France.

Le Musée de La France Protestante De L'Ouest

This museum is in a chateau once belonging to a rich protestant family in Le Bois-
Tirrais in Chantonnay in western France. Two rooms trace four centuries of
Protestant history in the region, particularly in La Rochelle. An audiovisual show is
also presented. The site is in French. Light is an easy to read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

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