Huguenot Library and Headquarters, 2018
Headquarters and Research Library
The Society maintains a headquarters on the grounds on the Huguenot Trail (Robious Road, 711), where the original church was built in 1700. The building has a small but excellent research library with genealogical references to help families trace their histories. Please note: prospective members pay a research fee $75.00 as well as others wanting genealogical information; checks should be addressed to the Manakin Huguenot Society, 981 Huguenot Trail, Midlothian, VA 23113. We will mail you the materials that we find.
If you wish to visit to do research, you should make an appointment with our staff librarian well in advance so she may prepare for your visit. E-mail manakintown@gmail.com for a researcher to schedule a meeting. All meetings are by appointment only. There is a small fee for use of the photocopier machine.
SEARCHES: You may search the library catalog and the index of published genealogy material in the Index of The Huguenot.
Meetings of the Virginia state branch are held at headquarters twice a year, and the national organization meets here from time to time. Other branches meet in their own states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, MIssissippi,Tennessee and Texas.). The Society owns a large surrounding forest.
The Manakin Episcopal congregation still exists, in a modern brick church adjacent. Also, one of the earliest
church buildings has been preserved on the property and a large monument marks the society headquarters. The modern church includes commemorations to some of the colony's founders and many of their descendants are among the worshippers today, some even living on original land grants in the surrounding area.

Gideon Macon Memorial (at foot of the Plinth)

Directions to Headquarters
Huguenot Trail is an extension of Robious Road, State Road 711, which turns
northwest from Midlothian Turnpike (60) and Huguenot Road (147), in Chesterfield
County southwest of Richmond. The address is 981 Huguenot Trail, Midlothian
VA, 23113-9224
From 64 West, turn right (south) on 288, cross the James River, then take the right
ramp to Robious/Huguenot Trail (711)and go about 1 mile west.
From 64 East, take 95 South briefly, turn right (west) on the Downtown Expressway
(195), a toll road (have $1 ready), bear left to the Powhite Parkway and cross the
James River. Take a right (north) on Chippenham Parkway (150), and go to the
Huguenot Road exit. At the light on Huguenot Road (147), take a left and proceed
several miles to Robious Road (711) following the directions above. Alternatively, you
might like to take I-295 north, circling around Richmond to 64W and 288.
From 95 North, take the Powhite Parkway exit (195) just after Bryant Park (64 West
also exits at this point). Stay on 195 across the James River and through one $.50
toll; turn on Chippenham Parkway North (150) and follow the directions above to
Robious Road. Alternatively, you can take I-295 West around Richmond to 64W,
then go a short distance to 288-South, and on to 711.
From 95 South, exit at the Chippenham Parkway (150), and go about 10 miles to the
Huguenot Road exit. Follow the directions above to Robious Road.
From 60 East, take 288 (outside of Midlothian village) north to Robious/Huguenot
Trail, and then go west 1 mile.
1895 Huguenot Chapel
Window and altar of the 1895
Huguenot Chapel

Huguenot Memorial Plinth at
Entrance to Manakin Huguenot
Society Headquarters

Abram Remy Plaque, New Church

Abraham Sallé Plaque, New Church

Abraham Michaux Plaque, New

Mathieu Agee Plaque, New Church