Gift Shop:Huguenot Items
Vestry Book of King William Parish, VA, 1707-1750. 1988. Hardbound book, 280 pages. minimum $15 donation.
Pierre LeGrand in Virginia, 1700. A thorough documented genealogical study of the descendants of Pierre LeGrand by Louis Everett LeGrand, 1995. Hardbound, 360 pages. minimum $25 donation.
Branches from the Flournoy Family Tree. Compiled by Wayne Spiller. Pioneer Book Publishers, 1976. Hardbound. minimum $30 donation.
Louise Moillon: Seventeenth Century Still-Life Artist. Helen Chastain Sowa. Hardbound with Photographs. minimum $30 donation.
Les Guerin: A Story of Religious Persecution. William G. Leech. Paperbound. Historical Fiction. minimum $5 donation.
Huguenots at Williamsburg. minimum $10 donation.
We also have all of the existing issues of The Huguenot. See the on-line index. Prices include shipping.
Prices of volumes are
#1-30 books =$20.00
#31 was not published
#32- 47 books = $25.00
Huguenot Cross: in blue and gold cloissoné, pendant or lapel pin for $10
donation, necklace with 18" gold filled chain for $20 donation. Cross is one
square inch, plus dove.
We have the Huguenot méreau available in pewter, brass or antique brass finish for
$10 donation, with a top loop for a meaningful necklace or watchfob.
The méreau (plural méreaux) is a circular token which the Huguenots
used in France from the 1550's to the mid 19th century. During holy
communion an elder would give, before the service, a méreau to each
parishioner who qualified to receive the sacrament. The others, who
did not attend catechism regularly or had been admonished by the
consistory, would not receive a méreau. During the service each individual
would hand his méreau to an elder standing next to the
communion table before receiving bread and wine.
On this méreauclassicbronzeresources@fuse.net>hows an open
bible, which is opened at St. Luke chapter 12, verse 32, saying in
French: "Have no fear little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure
to give you the kingdom." Above the Bible is a symbolic shining sun and six stars.
$10.00 Medallion
It looks like pewter and has a diameter of about 1-3/4”.
To order, address your check to HSFMCV (we do not presently take Paypal or credit card payments) and mark as a donation, as we are a non-profit organization. Send to:
The Huguenot Society of Manakin
981 Huguenot Trail
Midlothian VA 23113-9224
Bronze grave marker with the insignia of the society:
These three-to-five inch markers are made of thick solid
bronze and come with mounting templates and instructions.
Sizes and prices: 3 inch diameter=$138;
4 inch diameter=$158; 5 inch diameter=$175.
Credit cards are acceptable and
you must give your membership number when ordering.
To order, email Classic Bronze Resources at classicbronzeresources@fuse.net or go to the website, http://www.classicbronzeresources.com.
Allow 3-4 weeks for fulfillment of order.